Writing has always been easy for me. As long as I am familiar with the subject or have a point to make, I can communicate my ideas in a clear manor. My issue is with writing for a new audience, such as a new manager or for a new teacher in a classroom. Without knowing what they are expecting in style or the specific information my audience is looking for I develop writers block.
For my current writing class I think writing style should not be an issue. In technical writing the format is usually straightforward. Memos have a routine structure that is clear. The information needs to be written as brief as possible while relaying all the facts. Proposals, resumes, and the other types of documents we will be writing will also have predetermined style limits. These style limits improves the possibility of producing documents that will meet or exceed the expectations of the instructor.
The content of the documents we will be writing is still unclear. There remains the opportunity for error in content without some guidance. The directions were clear enough for a few hundred words on writing for this blog. By relaying my thoughts on fulfilling the expectations of my audience, I am hoping for help on learning how to write for a wider audience without the need for too much direction on content.
As the semester progresses we will see how the writing style changes in this blog. I would like to see a clear improvement when comparing this blog entry with my final blog entry at the end of April.
I like the idea of laying out a writing sample post at the beginning of the semester to compare at the end. I'll be interested to see out it turns out.
I am right there with you Chuck! It is always a little intimidating to write to a new audience. You can never tell how you will be received.
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